14 March 2025
Dates to remember
Dates to remember – view live calendar on side panel of newsletter, website, or communication app.
Principal’s Report
Dear Parents and Community Members,
After many years of successfully managing our School Canteen, the P&C Association are now faced with a difficult decision. This information was released earlier this week by the P&C.
The Flavours of Ashdale canteen has been providing recess and lunch to our school community for many years. We are sad to announce that our incredible canteen supervisors, Caroline and Tania, have made the joint decision to resign from the canteen after 14 and almost 10 years of service respectively. Our canteen attendant, Bec, has also decided to move on to new opportunities and as a result, the canteen will be closing.
The school concurs with the comments about the canteen staff, Caroline, Tania and Bec and we thank them for their services and wish them well for the future.
I look forward to working closely with the School Board and P&C Leadership Teams to look at all alternative options. Please be reassured that the School Executive Team is focused upon providing a service in this space.
Ongoing communication will be provided over the rest of the term.
Ashdale Secondary College – Enrolments (Out of Area)
Every year, parents contact Ashdale Primary School with a request to assist them to enrol their children at Ashdale Secondary College, even though their present place of residence is outside the catchment area.
The following extract is taken from an article written by the Ashdale Secondary College Principal, Mrs Jaquie Bogunovich.
Ashdale Secondary College enjoys an excellent reputation, placing considerable pressure on enrolments.
As an independent public school, we are bound by the School Education Regulations 2000 to enrol all children from within our local intake area as a priority.
Any places remaining after these children have been accommodated must be offered according to the priority order as outlined below:
- Children who qualify for an approved Specialist Program; (does not include our Soccer or Netball Academies)
- A child who lives nearest the College who has a sibling who is enrolled at the College for that year, other than a sibling who is enrolled at the College to participate in a Specialist Program.
- A child who lives nearest the school who:
- Does not have a sibling who is enrolled at the College for that year; or
- Has a sibling enrolled at the College for that year to participate in a Specialist Program
As Principal of Ashdale Primary School, I have no influence over the above process and any correspondence form me to the Secondary School is deemed by the Department of Education to be an inappropriate course of action.
Tony Watson
Swimming Timetable 2025
The following is the timetable for beach and pool swimming lessons for 2025.
Term 1 Week 7 & 8: Yrs 1, 2 & 4: (10 day series) 17th March to 28th March
Craigie Leisure Centre: Session 1: 10.55am
Session 2: 11.40am
Session 3: 12.50pm
Session 4: 1.35pm
Term 1 Week 8: Yrs 5 & 6 (5 day series, double lessons) 24th to 28th March
Mullaloo Beach: Session 1: 9.20am
Session 2: 10.55am
Session 3: 12.50pm
Term 1 Week 9 & 10: PP & 3: (10 day series) 31st March to 11th April
Aquamotion Wanneroo: Session 1: 12.45pm
Session 2: 1.30pm
School Board News
On Monday 24th February our school board met for their first meeting of 2025. We listened to a very informative presentation from Mrs Bosch on how classes are formed each year, and why they are released on the day before school starts back.
Mrs Htoo delivered the annual report, which was signed at the meeting. Ms Elliott presented the annual budget so that we could understand the various funding that the school receives and where this money is spent. Finally, Mr Watson updated us on various issues and events within the school calendar, including staffing updates, swimming and NAPLAN. The consensus was that this was another interesting and informative meeting.
Expressions of interest now being taken to fill up to three parent positions on the school board. Please contact ashdale.ps@education.com.au Arlene McKinney School Board Chair
Office News
School Voluntary Contributions (including P & C Contribution)
Have you paid the voluntary contribution $60/student and P & C Levy $40/family?
We encourage payments via the Qkr! app – this is a very simple and quick process and alleviates the need for busy parents to come into the office or send money in with students.
Instructions on how to download the App are available on our website from the link below or see the Qkr! Tip article below.
- Remember to change the profile (year, LAs etc) for your children when first accessing Qkr! for the year
- Alternative payment methods (cash/eftpos/credit card) are available through the front office.
- Families may pay the Voluntary Contribution in instalments.
Student Update Forms
Student update forms will be coming home with your child/ren in the coming week unless we have already spoken to you. It is imperative we have up to date information for your family. Please update any changes and send back to the front office as soon as possible.
If you require any further information, please contact the school on 6207 4500 or email Ashdale.ps@education.wa.edu.au.

P&C News
Your Move is excited to invite all students, parents, and caregivers to join us for this year's annual "Ride2School Day" on March 21, 2025.
We will be featuring our slow bike race along with additional fun activities in Term Two. We encourage everyone to stay active and ride to school on March 21. Don't forget to watch out for our colouring competition open to children in Kindy through Year 2!
Ashdale P&C is also excited to announce our very first Car Boot Sale, scheduled for April 6. Remember, one person's unwanted items can be another's hidden treasure so please join us for this fantastic event! Spaces are limited and filling up quickly, so be sure to email us today to book your spot.
Canteen News
The Flavours of Ashdale canteen has been providing recess and lunch to our school community for many years. We are sad to announce that our incredible canteen supervisors, Caroline and Tania, have made the joint decision to resign from the canteen after 14 and almost 10 years of service respectively. Our canteen attendant, Bec, has also decided to move on to new opportunities and as a result, the canteen will be closing.
The final day of canteen service will be Thursday, 27th March (week 8). There will be no canteen service in weeks 9 or 10 of this term. There may be variations or changes to menu items as we wind down stock and these will be communicated on both the P&C Facebook page and QkR app.
School canteens across WA have faced many challenges over the last few years, especially during COVID restrictions and increasing cost of living pressures. It is also challenging to get volunteers to help with the running of both the P&C and canteen and we thank the canteen staff, P&C volunteers and Ashdale families for their support of the canteen over the years.
The P&C are committed to providing a canteen on the school site and will work closely with the school to look at options to deliver a healthy and affordable canteen service for our families. Please keep an eye out on all communication channels for updates on these plans.
In the meantime, please direct any queries to pandc.ashdaleps@outlook.com

A Note from the School Health Nurse
Parenting Support
As parents, you are the most important person in your child’s life.
Many parents find life with a child a joyful but challenging experience. Children’s needs change as they grow and each stage brings new challenges. You may find the following resources helpful from time to time as you navigate some of these challenges as a parent:
- Raising Children Network raisingchildren.com.au
- Healthy WA http://healthywa.wa.gov.au/Healthy-living/Parenting
- Triple P - Positive Parenting Program healthywa.wa.gov.au/Triple_P
- Ngala ngala.com.au/
- Child and Parent Centres http://childandparentcentres.wa.edu.au/
Online Safety - How to Keep Your Child Safe Online
Protecting your children from harm is just as important online as it is in the real world. As a parent or carer, you can play an important role in helping children have safe and positive experiences online.
The internet offers an exciting world of experiences for children and the whole family. It can be entertaining, educational and rewarding. However, using the internet also involves risks and challenges.
Children might be exposed to content that is sexually explicit, violent, prohibited or even illegal. They may also experience cyber bullying or be at risk from contact by strangers.
Children may - unknowingly or deliberately - share personal information without realising they may be subject to identity theft, or that they are leaving behind content that might not reflect well on them in the future.
By taking an active role in talking with your kids about the risks and answering their questions or concerns about something that they find on the Internet you can help them stay safer online.
For more information on keeping your children safe online try the following website:
- iParent is an online resource developed by the Office of the Children’s E-Safety Commission where parents can learn about the digital environment and keep updated on their children’s technology use. Guidance for using safety settings on your family’s web-connected devices, tips for choosing movies and games and strategies for keeping young people safe online is available. esafety.gov.au
- Stay Smart Online is the Australian Government's online safety and security website, designed to help everyone understand the risks and simple steps we can take to protect our personal and financial information online. staysmartonline.gov.au/
- Raising Children Network http://raisingchildren.net.au.
Triple P – Positive Parenting Program
There are many ways to be a good parent. Managing children’s behaviour can be challenging at times, however it is an essential part of good parenting. The Triple P program may help you raise happy and confident children, through small changes and simple routines.
- Triple P programs offered include:
- Seminar Series - a series of three 90-minute talks on:
- children’s behaviour - the tough part of parenting
- raising confident children
- raising emotionally resilient children
- Discussion Group – small, 2-hour groups on common behaviours such as misbehaving, fighting and aggression and hassle-free shopping with children.
- Group Triple P – an eight week course including five 2-hour sessions and three weeks of telephone support.
- All programs are free to parents or carers with 3-8 year olds. To find out more, or to register in a program near you visit healthywa.wa.gov.au/Triple_P.
Raising Children Network
Children are as individual and as different as their parents and making decisions about what’s best for raising children is very personal.
The Raising Children website offers up-to-date, research-based material on more than 800 topics spanning child development, behaviour, health, nutrition and fitness, play and learning, connecting and communicating, school and education, entertainment and technology, sleep and safety.
It covers grown-ups, newborns (0-3 months), babies (3-12 months), toddlers (1-3 years), preschoolers (3-5 years), school-age children (5-9 years), pre-teens (9-11 years), and early teens (12-15 years).
There are tips, videos and other useful resources.
The Raising Children Network provides information that can help parents with the day-to-day decisions of raising children. It also provides information to help parents and carers look after their own needs. The information is based on the best science in parenting, child health and development, presented in language we can all understand.
This is a website for Australian mothers, fathers, grandparents and anyone else who has responsibility for the care of children. www.raisingchildren.com.au
Community News
School Sport WA
Did you know School Sport WA boasts an incredible 38 Interstate teams?
We’re looking for the best in the west to take down those other pesky states!
From Basketball to Golf, Cross Country to Netball – we offer an incredible variety of opportunities for athletes to represent WA.
Our teams travel far and wide across the country and compete at some of the top sporting destinations in the nation.
This is a fantastic opportunity for students to challenge themselves, develop new skills, and form lasting memories with like-minded peers.
Still unsure? What’s really in it for the kids!?
- Nationwide Travel: Compete at the prestigious School Sport Australia Championships held in different states.
- Team Spirit: Build friendships and skills while working alongside other talented athletes.
- Unforgettable Experiences: Get a taste of elite-level competition while enjoying travel and adventure.
For all other enquiries, use the SSWA – School Sport WA website.

Become a foster carer
Please help to keep our school safe! As part of our school community, we ask that if you see any unusual behaviour, evidence of theft or vandalism of our school outside of school hours, could you please contact school security on the number below.
Please do not approach any individuals, just contact security and they will investigate the situation or contact the Police. Working together will help protect our school.
9264 4771 (24-hour number) or 9264 4635