In accordance with Federal Government requirements all schools in Australia must provide a minimum of 2 hours a week physical activity for students in Years 1-6. At Ashdale this is provided through a specialist physical education program, daily fitness and class sport program. 


Our factions at Ashdale Primary are: Perkins – Green; Freeman – Red; Cooper – Purple; Elliott – Yellow. Our factions have been named after outstanding athletes who are legends not only for their sporting prowess but also their sportsmanship. Your child will be placed in a faction at the time of their enrolment. Families will be grouped in the same faction and will remain in this faction while at Ashdale.

The factions are linked to our wider student engagement program. Students are encouraged to wear their faction polo shirts for Phys Ed and during afternoon sport lessons. Bonus points for factions can be awarded throughout the year to students who display positive behaviour and achieve good results as part of the overall teaching and learning program.
